Who doesn’t want to go places!
Fourteen million people visit the Pyramids of Giza each year. The experience of being in the presence of a wonder of the world is breathtaking. You have to pitch yourself. It’s hard to get your head around.
Why do some experiences in our life go through us and others stay with us?
Now I am not saying that every interaction with your brand needs to be the equivalent of taking a trip to the pyramids. However what makes an experience stick for longer:
Is it the anticipation? I have been thinking about going to see the Pyramids since 2003.
The thrill? It’s not easy to get to and culturally very different.
The mystery? How were they built? Who built them? What were they built for?
The status? It’s a big ticket item when talking to travellers and people who are interested in Ancient Egypt.
The connection? Being in the presence of something that was built 2700 B.C. and 1500 B.C.
It’s all of these and more!
Brand consciousness
My experience visiting the pyramids started a very long time ago – before I even knew I wanted to go.
Similar to your brand. It starts before the customers even know they are in the market for your expertise or product.
So we know where we’ve been and where we are today — but where are we steering the brand’s consciousness in the future?
Taking a big picture aspect, helps a lot. With this north star top of mind you can then start thinking about what experiences / moments (tiny to big) / people / customers / partners you need so you can continue to evolve and expand your brand’s consciousness in the best possible way?
What’s truly required so you land on more impact and less passing through?