Whatever you are creating, start by designing the time that it will inhabit. Time is the one commodity that is profoundly finite. Once a moment passes, you can never get it back. A great time lives happily in memory; a bad time can hurt forever. Designing an experience that gives value to time is the surest way to create meaning and impact.”
All this from Bruce Mau. Highly recommend his book. He is a world renowned creative director .. and rightly so.
The level of thought and effort that goes into achieving ‘cinematic’ says so much about a brand. How they value their audience, how they value themselves and, I would go even as far to say, how they value life.
Everything is cinematic – is a bit of a stretch. There are some social posts out there that don’t feel the least bit cinematic! Bruce Mau would suggest this is bad cinema! However the point of considering the time that your brand inhabits is a very good one. Less about us and more about how the viewer will experience this moment. That doesn’t mean we don’t show our products or talk about who we are and what we do – but we do it in a captivating way. A way that keeps the audience completely in the moment.
Some brands play the more is more game – this may be absolutely right for them and where they are. The brands I absolutely love would never put stuff out there to fill a space. Their ‘pattern of behaviour’ is very considered, deliberate and creative, and so it makes you value them more.
Once you achieve good cinema, then the next goal is getting time to stop. That’s the jackpot!!!! Let me know how you go. 🙂