Your future brand will thank you

Recently I have been involved in interviewing candidates. 

The age old question resurfaces: 

Do you go with who you think can do the job or do you go with someone who could potentially blow it out of the water?

The key questions you want to be asking at this point: 

  1. How will they work with the team? 
  2. What’s the risk and gain for each style of candidate?  
  3. Are they aligned with where the brand is headed? 

All very important questions, but….  ‘Are they aligned with where the brand is headed’ is what I believe to be the ‘drop the mic’ question.

Why? In an instant you get very clear on considering your options in terms of where the organisation is headed and is this person right in respect to driving the desired momentum (along with the wider team)? 

In most situations when you hire for what you need right now and not for your future needs / brand positioning / expansion, you have people in your business that quickly fall out of sync. 

The hiring and retaining of people is at the top of the list when it comes to business challenges. Hence the importance of knowing who you are, what you stand for, where you are headed, etc, (i.e. your brand) so you can quickly ascertain alignment / people fit – that will best support the continued growth of your brand. 

The people in your business are a ‘brand touch point’. Their interactions and how they do their job – is a major part of the sum of your brand. 

Choose wisely! Your future brand will thank you! 

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